In addition, an increase in the hormone progesterone during pregnancy causes the walls of the veins to relax, allowing them to swell more easily. Progesterone also contributes to constipation by slowing down the intestinal tract.
Here are some ways to ward off the hemorrhoids, or get rid of them if you do get them:
- First and foremost, avoid constipation: eat a high-fiber diet (plenty of whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables), drink plenty of water (eight to ten glasses a day), and get regular exercise. If you're constipated, ask your practitioner about using a fiber supplement.
- Don't wait when you have the urge to have a bowel movement, try not to strain when you're moving your bowels, and don't linger on the toilet, because it puts pressure on the area.
- Do Kegel exercises daily. Kegels increase circulation in the rectal area and strengthen the muscles around the anus, decreasing the chance of hemorrhoids. They also strengthen and tone the muscles around the vagina and urethra, which can help your body recover after you give birth.
- Avoid sitting or standing for long stretches of time. If your job involves sitting, get up and move around for a few minutes every hour or so. Lie on your left side when sleeping, reading, or watching TV to take the pressure off your rectal veins and help increase blood return from the lower half of your body.
- Apply an ice pack to the affected area several times a day. Ice may help decrease swelling and discomfort.
- Soak your bottom in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes a few times each day. If you don't have a tub, you can buy a sitz bath at the drugstore. It's a small plastic basin that you fill with water and position over your toilet, allowing you to submerge your rectal area simply by sitting down.
- Try alternating cold and warm treatments.
- Gently but thoroughly clean the affected area after each bowel movement using soft, unscented, white toilet tissue, which causes less irritation than colored, scented varieties.
- Moistening the tissue can help, too. Many women find using premoistened wipes more comfortable than using toilet tissue. You can buy wipes medicated with various substances that are made specifically for people with hemorrhoids.
- Ask your healthcare practitioner to recommend an ointment or a medicated suppository. There are many hemorrhoid-relief products on the market, but consult your practitioner before trying one on your own. Most of these products should be used for no more than a week. Continued use can cause even more inflammation.
Finding the right relief for hemorrhoids can be a challenge, mainly because there are so many options out there to look into. Many of these options focus on doing what it takes to relieve the pressure in your anus that causes hemorrhoids in the first place. One of these options is to use a hemorrhoid cushion. These are ideal for people who cannot avoid sitting throughout the day. While it is still important to take short walks throughout the day when feasible, the medical hemorrhoid cushion will provide relief at the times when you have to sit down. Also, you can do anal exercises on top of the cushion if you want additional relief. Medical hemorrhoid cushions can be used during and after pregnancy to improve the pain in the pelvic region. By its form and constitution, the best product in the category of medical hemorrhoidal cushions, PROTECTPERN® protects you from the pressure between body weight and chair, and thus, guaranteed, you will regain your every day comfort! |